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恭喜林友辉等文章被 Acc. Chem. Res.接收
时间:2015-09-30 点击:

      任劲松课题组林友辉同学文章被 Acc. Chem. Res.接收,文章发表在 Acc. Chem. Res., 2014, 47 , pp 1097–1105上。

      Over the past few decades, natural enzymes have been a constant source of inspiration for chemists in their efforts to create synthetic structures that mimic their functions and promote catalysis. In this Account, we summarized our recent development in the field of nanozymes. The studies featured herein attempt to understand and apply nanomaterials as enzyme mimics and, more significantly, shed light on the improvements of these catalytic nanomaterials and their promising applications in biomedical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and therapeutics. Despite the fact that there are still many unresolved issues and challenges, the unique properties and functions of these enzyme mimics and the promising results exhibit that this field will continue to thrive and mature in the years to come.


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