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恭喜李稳等文章被Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.接收
时间:2015-09-29 点击:

 曲晓刚课题组李稳同学文章被Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.接收,文章发表在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6726 –6730上。

We successfully fabricated a novel NIR and pH dual-responsive dynamic system for controlled catch-andrelease of cells. Upon NIR exposure, graphene and AuNRs acted as nanoheaters to elevate the local temperature,resulting in dissociation of the dsDNA and releasing the adhered cells. Compared with previously used UV/Vis light to control cell adhesion, NIR light can penetrate tissues and cells with sufficient intensity and little damage, which is superior for further applications. Also, by using the reversible pHdependent conformation switching of i-motif DNA, efficient catch-and-release of cells was also achieved through pH stimulus. By combining of the photothermal effect of graphene/AuNRs and conformational changes in DNA, our work could help give new insights into cell adhesion by using a substrate that integrates stimuli-responsive smart nanomaterials and multifunctional biomolecules.



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